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The content page explained

Your newsletter will consist of one or more content pages - these are where you enter your articles and other media

Michael Bates avatar
Written by Michael Bates
Updated over a week ago

A content page is where your articles will be entered. Each newsletter will have at least one content page. A content page consists of a banner photo at the top, a heading and then some body text.

You can use any photo as the banner photo, but the more relevant and high quality it is, the better.

The page heading should describe what the page is about, for example "Principal's Report", or "From the CEO".

Below the page heading is a section to add a sub heading. This can be used to describe what is in the photo, or as a preview of what the page is about.

Below the heading, in the white space, is where your articles should be entered. Articles can contain text, photos, videos, links, attachments and embedded content. This text area can be formatted into columns. When using columns, the articles will automatically balance across the columns.

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